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  1. M

    I’m not sure if I truly want another. Some days I’m content with one and other times I want one

    @daman777 Are you me? Lol. Slightly different boat bc my son is almost 4. Postpartum was so horrible I couldn’t contemplate it until he was over 3. I’m trying for a second but if I truly stop to try to remember the sleep deprivation and stress I’m terrified I’m going to wreck our lives. But...
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    Gun violence

    @j90 To me, there’s more likely to be bad things happening if I had another kid- ie the statistics of me dying due to childbirth (plus I had pre ecclampsia making it more likely to happen again), or having a severely disabled second child that ruined all our lives (no offense meant to anyone...
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    "The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

    @snpdoll11 Thanks for your very funny post. I relate since having a kid caused marriage strain and it’s husband who wants another. I wish I had your confidence and resolve though. I’m still on the fence a little. Anyway so I had super high blood pressure after having my son- I forget what but...
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @neopoko “You shouldn’t have to be a martyr if you don’t want to be” Thank you for this! My husband doesn’t seem to get this. He seems to think our job is to constantly work hard to strive to better ourselves and our lives, until we die. He rails against fellow millennials who are child free...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @trinityeze No, it’s not social pressure- he’s always wanted more than one kid. He is very empathetic and is/was good at comforting/soothing babies and kids. However I have always been the one primarily responsible for caring for kiddo somehow. Like, I feed toddler, then I clean up after toddler...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @trinityeze Thanks. He didn’t say it quite so bluntly… but when I realized I was on the spectrum and more noise and chaos might overwhelm me for that reason, he replied basically that it isn’t an excuse and you figure out ways to cope. He’s on the spectrum too but instead of shutting down when...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @johnbiggs The “why sign up for life on hard mode” really resonates with me. However when I bring this up to husband he accuses me of being lazy. So I feel like there’s something wrong with me for not wanting to suffer for 3 years in order to bring long term happiness and love into our family.
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    A matter of when not if…

    @stuart1717 Thank you for the detailed reply. Your “my life doesn’t have much joy” hits hard. Because my life is pretty good now. It’s not too hard. And I don’t want to eff that up. But DH 100% wants another. And part of me wonders what I might be missing. Like a daughter.
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    A matter of when not if…

    @stuart1717 I had severe ppd/ppa also with my now 3yo (and hated the sleep deprivation- he didn’t sleep through the night consistently until like 1.5) when he was 2.5-3 I finally got off Zoloft. Husband wants another and I’m on the fence. I love my sweet boy so much now and I don’t want to do...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @lostparent Yeah, it’s the worst paradox. I look at sweet baby videos of my son or see an adorable toddler and I want another one of those right now. Then I remind myself that I was so depressed back then (and felt trapped) that I literally made a post about hating my life most of the time...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    (Edit- sorry for the accidental spam. Didn’t mean to post this 4x. Phone said error so thought it didn’t go through) He’s started to have challenging behavior frequently, like arguing with us about everything… he even exploded “I h*te you!” after being mad that he tripped the other day. It’s...
  12. M

    Could someone decide for me 🙃

    @clare5890 Yeah, I can completely empathize with being the anxious type who tends to ruminate on decisions! I actually convinced myself to try for 4 months this summer/fall until I realized my period was coming early and ended up getting diagnosed with a thyroid condition called Graves’...
  13. M

    Could someone decide for me 🙃

    @clare5890 You’re like exactly me. I’m on the fence, some awful trauma. Husband definitely wants another. Pretty comparable situation. The only advice I can try to give is try as hard as you can to visualize getting a positive pregnancy test. What is your gut reaction- excitement, or dread?