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  1. J

    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @johnd Had a similar experience with my not even 1.5 yo boy. 16 hours. It was great. I chose a flight that coincided with nighttime sleep so he was asleep for most of it. Maybe I got lucky? I don't even remember him crying for anything. On the other hand, 4 hour plane ride at 3yo..... Lol. But...
  2. J

    I feel like I'm exhausted and out of my depth here

    Thanks for all the words of encouragement! I don't think I can articulate how much this means to me, and how much it has comforted me and restored trust in myself. Everyday is still a challenge, but little by little, it gets easier. Thank you.
  3. J

    I feel like I'm exhausted and out of my depth here

    FTM, with nine-day old son. It was an emergency C-section, as my bp shot up to 200/100. I was exactly 37 weeks along. My husband travelled 18 hours to where we were, and managed to arrive within the first 24 hours of life. I had to stay longer in the maternity ward due to my bp. Hubby and I...