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  1. Z

    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    @lgonz Yea there are issues from family but also context. I think all the responses here are good! Yours too. We have a good relationship but he had just come out of a couple days w his dad where he got to help dad move, set up new room there, stay home from school helping dad (which I regret...
  2. Z

    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    He thought I was saying I’d tell my nutrition class that he wasn’t eating beans but I was just going to tell them you can’t force anyone to eat things. It was a misunderstanding but before I finished my sentence instantly he was throwing things saying he hates it here and wants to leave and...