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  1. W

    NB vs 0-3 clothing size

    @niederwaldflash My son was born 8lbs 10oz at 1 week past due date. He outgrew newborn clothes and diapers in one week. Pro Tip: don't wash newborn clothes or open the diapers until you're absolutely sure you need them, otherwise exchange them for a bigger size.
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    When breast milk goes to waste 😩

    @loveyallb Feel your feels, mama!! It sucks to think that your time and effort was all for nothing. I'm over here feeling bummed about a 2oz bottle going to waste. I mean... I legit used it to dab on my dog's itchy allergy skin bc at least it was used for something, right?! Lolol! I'd be...
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @nondwe The back support pillow improved my body aches sooo much!