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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @katrina2017 Well you're a terrific troll. In every sense of the word. We're all entitled to our individual opinions, unless you disagree I guess. Petty & arrogant too, apparently.
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @katrina2017 If that's the only correction you've got, it tells me you're insecure & need to point out obvious but irrelevant mistakes. It also tells me you don't dispute anything else. Poor kids
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @katrina2017 Lemme guess, your a teacher. It's unfortunate your struggling with this. Lemme help. I've never known a more entitled, whiney group of people. They are the first to cry mistreatment, but the last to take accountability. If you feel this behavior is ok, you've been corrupted...
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @naomi_sarai I don't understand how you consider yourself anything but a baby sitter. I mean no disrespect, but really, as a parent that has been thru the school system, & currently have a son attending elementary school, teachers are glorified baby sitters. Particularly elementary school...