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  1. 2

    Torn on being one and down

    @reporter94 I feel your pain on the autonomy! That’s another thing I didn’t mention. When I got the epidural, I completely lost my mind. The inability to just get up and walk around nearly killed me. Then the recovery, not being able to drive, the fact that I can’t just get in the car and go...
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    Torn on being one and down

    @katrina2017 Thank you for sharing. The absolute LAST thing I want is for my emotional and mental issues to impact my son. I want him to have healthy parents. My mom wasn’t emotionally stable so I desperately do not want to repeat that with my son
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    Torn on being one and down

    @needhelp101 That’s how I’m feeling and we are only at 9 months. I keep thinking that maybe my exhaustion will get better once I’m done breastfeeding…
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    Torn on being one and down

    @melissauk Thank you for your transparency. It’s been on my mind a lot lately as more and more of my friends around me are pregnant with their second or third and they are just so excited. If we were to have another one, we would definitely want to do it before the 4 year mark so we definitely...
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    Torn on being one and down

    My husband and I got pregnant unexpectedly a month after we got married. Although I had a pretty healthy pregnancy, I hated being pregnant. Birth was extremely difficult, I labored on and off for a week and had a c section. Recovery was super hard on me. I don’t like feeling immobile or self...