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  1. B

    Need encouragement… Dr wants me to stop BF, close to failure to thrive, slow gain

    Alain baby bring so sleepy at feeds is so normal at that age. Just keep feeding on demand and keep her up the best you can, but neijtger of you are broken cause she’s sleepy.
  2. B

    Need encouragement… Dr wants me to stop BF, close to failure to thrive, slow gain

    @kars I’d pump lots if you are able, mg girl is technically FTT (10lbs 3.5 months old) she had super slow weight gain due to tongue and lip ties and then thrush. She’s happy as a clam and hitting milestones, and is EBF. She won’t accept a bottle. I considered SNS with formula but I’d rather her...
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    "So WhEn ArE yOu MoViNg HeR tO cErEaL?"

    @finnianvk What’s the deal with cereal anyways Like why is that THE food they obsess over
  4. B

    is it 4 months regression?

    @gidmos44 Sounds like the regression to me. My baby did the same, 4 hour stretch, wake to feed, another 4 hours. Turned 3.5 months to the day and bam - only slept 45 min at a time. Now her best stretch will be 3 hours which she will do once a night, not every night. She’s 8 months old.