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  1. L

    Had to extend maternity leave - how do I return?

    @pchilde3 Yup
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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @wisper It’s not legally interchangeable (the PUMP act gives you the right to time to pump in the US, but not to nurse). However, you don’t need to mention it, and also, nursing almost always takes less time than pumping. Nursing doesn’t take so long or happen so often when they’re older. You...
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    Co-sleeping gear for hotel?

    @vlo Tbh I don’t cosleep in hotel beds. Most just aren’t firm enough for my comfort. I bring a portacrib and try to get baby down in it. I sometimes sleep on a blanket on the floor next to baby
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    How to navigate physical intimacy with s/o when contact napping + cosleeping?

    @parispandora No idea, tbh. My baby is 8 weeks and I’m in the same boat
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    Maternity Leave in California - Paid By Employer

    @valpal1123 You can’t take them at the same time and double up on pay. Most companies, when they offer “fully paid leave” mean, in CA, that they will top up your pay to 100% during your SDI and PFL, and then pay you during whatever leave beyond that. However, if your company truely doesn’t...