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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @emmylou I agree with you and am so sorry for your loss. We are explained death and we talk about it a lot, even before with grandfather. I was looking more at how to tell, not if.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @mattmizzno Yes true,,how to break the news is my biggest concern atm. But anything is useful.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @notworthconsideration I already bought some in the past that did serve me well. One I really like and it is more general not just about death is The Rabbit Listened.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @seditthis Yes it is quite true. When grandfather died she was not understanding what death is at first so she didn’t react. After a while she said to me she is angry at him because he died. I explained that this is not something he chose, he would not have done it. This alone changed her view...
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @daddylopez1963 Thank you so much. I will still need to get myself now to sleep, that is the biggest problem now.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @harrisonm7 Thank you. I am contacting my doctor for psychiatric referral first thing tomorrow. I will look into family therapy as well, thank you for recommending this.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    A very big thank you for all contributions and said condolences. I was able to talk to my child’s psychiatrist and she echoed what was said in the post. She said there is no trauma-causing way to tell her. Key is to tell and answer questions in age appropriate way. Therapist explained that the...
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @garnett64 This is such a helpful insight, thank you!
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @maroon Thank you. We are keeping her home at this time to limit exposure to the newborn that is only a week old. We will be doing this until may. All sounds like really good advice, will look it up.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    Question: how to tell a small child their grandma that they were really close with died. Child is already stressing about family members dying due to prior loss. Background: We live in a three generational home. My parents (up till recently), me and my husband,our 5yo and a 7 day old newborn...