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  1. F

    I’m not sure if I truly want another. Some days I’m content with one and other times I want one

    @jimadkins Well said. I really dislike how often the question invades my mind. At least we’re not alone. We should probably all take a break from Reddit and read a book or something 😂
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    I’m not sure if I truly want another. Some days I’m content with one and other times I want one

    @tbvsthienloc2020 Same. I’ve decided to wait another year and discuss again then. I don’t want to miss out on this special time with my son.
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    Older parents (39F&and43M) thinking about having a second child

    @spiritlead2013 My husband and I are the same age as you and your husband. I go back and forth as well. I’m a SAHM and my husband works long hours. I’m forever grateful to be a SAHM, but something that I did not foresee was the complete lack of time with my husband - either as a family or him...
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    OAD decision timeline

    @andyron I’m so sorry. That is heavy. Thank you for sharing.
  5. F

    OAD decision timeline

    @andyron Do you mind sharing what issues your mother faced with a late 30’s pregnancy?
  6. F

    Is it just hormones??

    @shawn158 I’m 38. LO is 15 months and still breastfeeding. I’m 90% sure I’d like to have another one. Some days that other 10% grows when I’m extra tired or overwhelmed with all the chores and doubt in my abilities creeps in. That said, I’ve decided to wait until he’s two. To make sure that I’m...