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  1. K

    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @victoriablackwell That’s awesome that your in laws help with kids! I agree a child free vacation is the best, but the compromise approach seems decent.
  2. K

    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    @samarami Same. If it was every day or even 3x a week that would be really hard, but for 1x a week and such a big pay bump go for it!
  3. K

    Managing bedtimes?

    @webelieveinjesuschrist Echoing what others have said, we only have one activity a week (swim lessons) and the cutoff for having that done is 5:30. Even on those nights having the activity done at 5:30 puts pressure on our evening routine so I will either grab some fast casual on the way home...