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  1. M

    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @frustratedhusband Yep, we do a couple videocalls per week, hopefully that'll help! In Galician we say "os avós (avó & avoa)". Thanks for your advice!
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @frustratedhusband Hi, We were visiting quite often but that's changing soon, as the wife is going back to work, and the baby is starting nursery. As for them visiting, they can't travel often due to several factors, e.g. dependants, poor health etc And yeah, we pretty much speak in Galician...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @petra888 Hi, Thanks for your reply! The situation definitely sounds similar, so it's reassuring the kids have no problem with that. I guess the only thing is that it's difficult to know how similar those languages are, as in comparison to Galician/Portuguese/Catalan/etc to Spanish...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @anonymousguy44 He's gonna start nursery soon. That nursery is, at least partially, bilingual English/Spanish so he'll get some exposure then. Main concern is that that input is enough, as our aim is that he's fully bilingual (as in native proficiency) in at least English and Spanish (and...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @aldredian Hi, Thanks for sharing your experience!Galician is definitely more important for me on an emotional level, as that's the language my Mum, Dad, grandparents etc raised me with. But's Spanish is also my language, as that's the national language, and i'm a native speaker of both. Thing...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @betho Hi!, It's definitely reassuring to hear that he's learning both Spanish and Portuguese while avoiding mix-up, even when they're similar languages. Problem with Galician, as in comparison to Portuguese... it's that the language it's way more Spanish influenced, due to several historical...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @daftendirekt Thanks for sharing your experience! Galicia is a land of emigration so many people would have similar experiences (I do have ancestors that emigrated to Latin America as well, during probably similar times). We really want him to be fully bilingual in Spanish but the thought that...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    @barsomo Hi!So growing in Galicia my family would only speak to me in Galician and it would just be Galician with all friends and acquaintances. Schooling was a a mix of Galician and Spanish (they call it "Castellano / Castilian" over there) but, overall, it's pretty much Galician when we travel...
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    How to do OPOL when 1 parent speaks 2 different but similar (minority) languages?

    Hi, Looking for advice here as I can’t find much about our specific situation online. Wife’s native language is English whereas mine is Spanish. We live in an English speaking country, so Spanish would the minority language in our case. Our son is about 10 months old and we’ve pretty much been...