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  1. L

    Greenwashing and essential oils

    @idontadamandeveit no problem!! they are really interesting. they smell nice, I really do believe in aromatherapy! I've used it while admitted to the hospital, in early labor, for anxiety, it helps with like the lightest headaches. I think what you enjoy is going to relax you most, although...
  2. L

    Greenwashing and essential oils

    @idontadamandeveit greenwashed companies won't have any organic certification, anyone can call their product organic or all natural, but only products that are 95% organic can be certified usda organic, so look for the usda symbol. I'm not sure about a website of greenwashed companies, but if...
  3. L

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @ms92help our baby was only in the nicu for 6 days, but it really cracked something deep inside me. I still don't really sleep, i still have really bad separation anxiety. I think until she was maybe 4 months I didn't sleep on my baby shifts, I just held her all night, and then would sleep when...