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    12dpiui and blood HcG at 5iu/l

    @garys I get it! Wishing you luck!
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    12dpiui and blood HcG at 5iu/l

    @garys My clinic only considers 10 or above a positive. You always have trace amounts of hcg in your system. I’m sorry 😞.
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    Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

    @csf Yeah it sounds like they’re confused or something? Your level is perfectly normal for 4w3d
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    Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

    @csf Are they going off your ovulation date or your lmp??
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    Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

    @csf I don’t know either unless there’s a mistake in the number they told you.
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    Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

    @csf This is a perfectly good hcg number for 17dpo. Mine at 18dpo was 926 and my ivf clinic said that’s on the higher end. They look for 50-100 at 14dpo.
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    hCG rising but not doubling. Miscarriage risk?

    @gentlemangamer After 6000 it can take 96+ hours to double. Betas really aren’t useful at this point unless they’re watching to see if they drop. I wouldn’t stress about these numbers - they look good imo! I hope your ultrasound goes well 💜
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    Babies heart skipping a beat

    @516angelnell I know how anxiety inducing this all can be but even as a nurse trained to listen to the heart I wouldn’t be able to be 100% confident in what I was hearing with a doppler on a fetus as I haven’t had as much practice. If you can’t settle, head in to be checked out by the people...
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    Babies heart skipping a beat

    @516angelnell So my baby’s heart has been normal throughout but around 37 weeks they noticed an arrhythmia. I was sent for nst and an echo to check things out. My doctors (obgyn and mfm) assured me that arrythmias can be super normal and typically go away when baby is born. It can also sound...
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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 ~66 hour doubling rate with my successful pregnancy. A couple of my ectopics actually doubled quicker than the successful one.
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    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    @h0peful4change I hope you get good news. 💕 the wait and see is horrendous.
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    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    @h0peful4change At an hcg of 6000 betas slow to 96+ hours to double. Why doesn’t your doctor do a scan rather than another beta?