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  1. M

    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @avsje Well, one hour of vigorous exercise — the definition often used is “exercise you can’t carry on a conversation through”. Lighter exercise would not be included in this total. Overall, though, it’s probably more important to keep an eye on your cycles. If you’re ovulating with an...
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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @littleclaypot I think a lot of the immune tolerance stuff is pretty questionable mechanistically. Sperm and embryonic cells are really different, and there's no reason they would display the same surface molecules, such that exposure to sperm would induce tolerance to embryonic antigens. In...
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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @christwife14 The recommendation for folic acid actually doesn't help you get pregnant (at least not to any great degree), it's there because folate is required for the proper formation of the neural tube, a structure that includes crowd favorites like the brain and spinal cord. :) Supplementing...
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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @motionmediavideos Guaifenesin is a drug that increases the secretion of water into mucus, making it less viscous. It won't increase CM production, but it can make it move more. There's some suggestion, though old, that it can actually help the odds of pregnancy*. Since guaifenesin isn't...
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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @sisi Yeah, it's not really clear that standard lubes are actually problematic in practice. The reference they cite is this one, and there's also this one that cites the first one. Re: the pantry, just stay away from the vinegar, right /@ppaul?
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    Could I have ovulated BEFORE a D&C (blighted ovum)?

    @dikkilona I’m puzzled — these studies are referring to resumption of ovulation after D&C, administration of pregnancy-terminating medication, clearance of hCG down to 2mIU/mL or less, etc. It is possible to ovulate while hCG levels are being reduced, which is why I started my comment with...
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    Could I have ovulated BEFORE a D&C (blighted ovum)?

    @dikkilona Generally speaking, it’s not possible to ovulate while hCG levels are still nonzero, since this will keep estrogen and progesterone levels high enough to suppress follicular selection and ovulation. I’m sorry for your loss, and hope that you’ll be back to ovulating normally soon...
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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @willsgranny48 There's some, but it hasn't generally made it to the level of the big reviews yet. NSAID use around the time of ovulation can prevent the actual process of ovulation -- the bursting of the egg through the follicle. This works well enough that high-dose NSAIDs are being tested as...
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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @sam_august_92 So I think one important thing to remember is that virtually all of these lifestyle factors are nudges to your odds in one direction or the other. Even with the most extreme insulin resistance or diet conditions, there would never be a point where you'd say, oh, there's absolutely...
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    New research says average cycle isn't 28 days (and water is wet, etc)

    @libgamr I think it's a great idea to keep doing these kinds of studies (although as someone who does this for a living, I can tell you it's a lot harder to get money and other resources to do something that's not new and shiny and first-of-its-kind). I'm not sure I believe that these results...
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    Around the uterus in fourteen days: the luteal phase

    @scoutermommy Pretty much every symptom in the luteal phase is just a symptom of progesterone, and therefore will happen in ovulatory cycles regardless of whether they end in success. There’s not really much of a change here for short cycles — this is all relative to ovulation, and development...
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    Around the uterus in fourteen days: the luteal phase

    @mamaoftwo Overall, symptoms or lack thereof aren't really an indication of anything -- it's possible either to have or not have subjective symptoms in the environment of healthy progesterone levels. There's no real "should" for what you feel, and it's fine to have whatever set of symptoms you...
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    Around the uterus in fourteen days: the luteal phase

    @smurfettemc True morning sickness is thought to be caused by hCG, but it’s not really a “early” symptom — it starts on average around 6 weeks of pregnancy, or 4 weeks post-ovulation, as hCG levels really start to take off.
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    New research says average cycle isn't 28 days (and water is wet, etc)

    @lida09 No, that's the reason for the association with shortened FPs and age, but it's not the case that shorter cycles/earlier ovulation is generally problematic. I saved this Scruter comment a while back on this subject -- enjoy!
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    Around the uterus in fourteen days: the luteal phase

    @melelina808 We know this because there have been studies done where people only have sex one day of the fertile window, and people who have sex on one of O-1/2/3 get pregnant at roughly equivalent rates (links in this comment). Most sperm don't survive that long, but most sperm don't need to...
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    New research says average cycle isn't 28 days (and water is wet, etc)

    @lida09 It's because you tend to ovulate earlier as you get older. As you get older, and your ovarian reserve (the number of eggs you have left in the bucket) gets smaller, your levels of AMH (which is produced by the reserve follicles) get lower. AMH inhibits FSH, so as AMH gets lower...
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    New research says average cycle isn't 28 days (and water is wet, etc)

    @emanuela They really should. I respect the hell out of FF's data policy, but dude, if NC has hundreds of thousands of cycles, FF probably has tens of millions by now.
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    Around the uterus in fourteen days: the luteal phase

    @scuba7jb My personal hypothesis is that I get worse-quality sleep when progesterone is high, so it's not necessarily that progesterone causes weird dreams, but that I'm more likely to wake up in/after a REM cycle, and therefore more likely to remember them. But yeah, when I did an IVF...
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    New research says average cycle isn't 28 days (and water is wet, etc)

    @sisi Yeah, agreed -- it's very clear from being around here that shorter-than-14-day LPs are much more common than the conventional wisdom would suggest.