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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @jl090812 Great reply. Thanks
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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @conner007 She did. They basically told her to pump even if it wasn’t producing. To massage, (I’m getting in on some of that action) :) , to use hot Rags, and to be patient. She’s got the whole post partum thing starting up and some say that may actually help her start producing. I feel like she...
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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @lizzi Thanks for the help
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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    I’m 47, my wife is 43. Last September we had the 20th anniversary and in November we finally went to the Dr and the wife was pregnant. Pregnancy went fine until last week. The wife’s BP shot up so they decided to induce early. Baby was due June 15th. We had him on May 23rd. Delivery was fine...
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    Seems the wife could be pregnant at 42

    @katie23232 Not much to update other than she went to the Dr but can’t be seen for 3 more weeks. They did do a serum test and it showed pregnant as well. She’s got the morning sickness and is showing a little. We will have an ultrasound soon and will go from there. She waited awhile to get...
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    Seems the wife could be pregnant at 42

    Hello ladies and gents, So I’m 46, wife is 42. She’s missed 2 cycles and thought it may be early menopause starting. Her smell has changed and she’s tired. She took a test and the line is faint but it’s there. We thought we were done with kids. We have 3 kids 17, 15,& 10. We are scheduling...