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  1. S

    3 weeks of no diapers and STILL haven’t made it to the bathroom for poop

    @drawingangel2 My oldest had some trauma around poop due to several blood transfusions. He would hold in his poop till he was constipated and we had to go to the doctor. We saw a specialist who suggested giving my son a big reward ONLY when he pooped in the potty. We found zebra cakes, big...
  2. S

    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    @ajewelinhiscrown I suggest getting a shared mobile calendar that you and your wife can add stuff onto(I use Cozi) Color coded, everything goes there. When you make appointments pull that sucker up and enter them in at that moment. Check it when you make plans, USE the snot out of it. I also...