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  1. A

    I never imagined it’d be possible. My 7.5 month actually nurses now!

    Not counting pumping at work, it’s been one whole week since I’ve had to pump during her waking hours! I can’t believe my bottle-fed almost 8 month old is latching, mostly emptying, and preferring/asking to nurse! Since starting solids, her intake is slowly dropping closer to my supply. Pinch...
  2. A

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zofran Awww it sounds like such a rough journey! You have every right to continue feeding however you want! I know the grief of feeling like I was giving up. It is safer to drop one feed at a time and wait about a week to give your body time to adjust. Mastitis is a bitch. In waiting for your...