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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @johnboy99 Awww... hugs. Thank you so much for all your positive and kind thoughts. So much love to you and your little bean!
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @johnboy99 Omg omg I'm so happy for you! Huggggggs. Stick baby stick! Gigantic hugs to you! Not been checking tfab much but so happy I did today!
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    Due Date List & link to birth stories for the months Nov-Jan

    @henryt Hi, I'm due August 11 with a girl :-)
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    Due Date List & link to birth stories for the months Nov-Jan

    @lastone55 Omg I remember your other username madres! We used to hangout in TFAB right? I often wondered where you were. I'm so so sorry about your loss. I wish you the very best for your rainbow baby!