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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @jonjones229 Thank you so much for sharing your story! It’s good to know there are doctors who don’t fixate on weight and actually treat their patients!! Wishing you a healthy end of pregnancy and birth!!
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @garrettholliman2001 You know you’re 100% right and I guess I was so beyond shocked in the moment that I couldn’t form the words to fight back. I need to take this as a lesson that I need to be a better advocate for myself. Sometimes I get major white coat syndrome and feel I can’t stand up to...
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @kimmynew Thank you for sharing your story. Gives me hope that things with work out for me and that I’ll find a better provider who isn’t constantly shaming patients.
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @frunziss Thank you for sharing!
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @gnik Thank you so much 🫶🏻
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @gnik Congrats on your pregnancy! Thanks for your suggestion, I will discuss with my endo at my next appointment
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @requiredname Hi and thank you for sharing! My thyroid and sugar are in check and I’m also on Synthroid and metformin. I recently got ovasitol so maybe that will be the thing that works! I’m definitely dumping this doctor asap. Wishing you a continued healthy pregnancy!!
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @kevinkret86 Thank you soooo much for sharing this. This is exactly what was just recommended to me and I find that absolutely insane: to put off trying to lose weight. I felt in my heart it wasn’t the right move and science once again backs my feelings exactly! Thank you thank you thank you!!
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @leahg77 Thank you for sharing. It gives me hope knowing it’s possible!!
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @contemplatio Thank you. One day I will be holding my own healthy baby and look back and laugh. I hope
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @contemplatio Thank you so much for your comment. I swear, your story made me tear up. I knew as the call was going in that this was insane fatphobia and automatically putting me in a box of bad health when I take better care of myself than many thinner people i know. I wish it was easier to...
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    Hi everyone, been a lurker for a while since I started TTC and I’ve been inspired by all your stories. I finally got a call from a local fertility clinic to start my process. I’m 5’9” at 290lbs so that’s a BMI of about 43. The doctor basically said no treatments would work and I need to lose...
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    Trying for a baby while being plus size

    @marko959 Of course!! I hate the god complex some of these doctors have, and especially when it comes to “allowing” plus size women to have babies… being plus size doesn’t mean we’re all eating fast food all day… I had felt very judged despite leading a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy the vast...
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    Trying for a baby while being plus size

    @marko959 This doctor is so wrong. Heavier women have conceived and had healthy pregnancies. Being thinner doesn’t guarantee a perfect outcome. I’ve had a similar experience when I consulted a fertility doctor who said nothing would work unless I lost weight. Found out I was pregnant two months...
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    Graduation! 39w3d

    @married2aliar Thank you for sharing! As a plus-size woman actively trying, your story gives me so much hope. Congratulations!