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  1. P

    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @mooneyto Thank you ❤️ And I completely agree about the behavior chart - he's the type to get embarrassed REALLY easily, and when he's embarrassed he shuts down (I think in part because of the language delay - he doesn't have the words to express what he's feeling, so he just withdraws). I can...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @vanillaface Our state is ranked in the 40s, and our district is middle of the pack within our state. It's really disheartening, but since moving isn't an option at this point all I can do is (1) look for alternatives for baby and (2) help the 5 year old adapt as well as he can, while continuing...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @vanillaface Thank you for your kind answer ❤️ I agree, I don't necessarily want to "discipline" him, but at the same time I don't want him to be seen/treated as the "bad kid" at school because I know from personal experience that if I feel like the teacher doesn't like me, I'm less likely to...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @iccs I wish 🙁 Although we all coparent well, I obviously don't get the final say in things. I suggested a different school to begin with, but this was the one his mom chose. I think he would excel in an environment with fewer students (there are 30 kids in his kindergarten class!) where the...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @katrina2017 I love the idea of framing it as helping! I think he would respond really well to that. He loves to help at home! And I think you're right that he needs to understand why he's being asked to obey. At home when I ask him to do/not do something I almost always explain why as I'm...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @leahfeamw His teacher says the homework isn't supposed to be overwhelming, but there's a LOT of it for a 5 year old! Counting, touch counting, writing his name multiple times, sight words, letter names and sounds, and a worksheet per night. I'm not sure how much activity he gets at school. I...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    @leahfeamw Thank you for your thoughtful answer ❤️ When he was in pre-k he also went to daycare. So daycare, bus to pre-k, bus back to daycare until it was time to come home. He's used to long days out of the house, but daycare was definitely less structured than school is. Also, he now has...
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    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    Tldr: 5 year old has previously behaved fine at half day pre-k, but now at full day kindergarten is not listening and being defiant. Simply talking to him about the behavior and encouraging him to listen hasn't worked. Any ideas for the next step/other things to try? My 5 year old stepson...
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @solina Thank you!
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @romeohoy Thank you!
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @katariamax Thank you!
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @chriscrossan Oh that's good to know that's an option. The Amazon reviews made it sound like the screen does NOT automatically come on if there's noise!
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @chriscrossan 2-3 days sounds like great battery life! Is that using it with video the whole time? Or is there an audio only option that helps save power to make it last that long?
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @bgunk Thank you so much!!
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @bgunk Thank you! Could you please tell me approximately how long it lasts, and what sort of charging cable it uses? Also, I've read that it has a feature to lower background noise (like AC or a sound machine). Have you noticed that to work well?
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    Does anyone have any experience with either of these baby monitors? Thank you!