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  1. A

    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown I would highly recommend couples therapy. Reading that book mentioned is great but without proper communication between you it may only cause more harm. You are not happy, clearly. If your wife is resistant to couples therapy, phrase it as “wife, i would like to start couples...
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @striveforclarity Keep in mind, you are both working. You cannot be a mindful, responsive parent on indefinite low sleep. The baby is also his baby. Unless he is in some sort of high stakes job where people could die, he will learn the same as you how to get by on less sleep. Some other ways...
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    Today I decided to stop parenting my spouse

    @bpolst Totally agree on both counts. I have never flipped my husband’s clothes right side out or any of that. Ill fold it, i dont even put it away for him (unless he is out of town). Same with food. Early in our marriage I tried to get him to help in the kitchen (he refused) and he tried to...