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  1. J

    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    @heavensvoice This is exactly my issue I guess, they have LO 20% of the time if it’s so much of an issue to them why can’t they be the ones to change them after they arrive and send them back in clothes I sent them in? It’s petty I know but it just feels like another thing I’m expected to be...
  2. J

    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    Slightly off topic but thank you everyone - I love this group it really helps me see a different perspective and not get as tied up in the drama over what is really a small things in the grand scheme of it… it’s a great mental reset any time I post!
  3. J

    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    Yes it is probably just easier to go along… the irony being the day I sent LO ‘dirty’ I hadn’t changed her top because it was a tiny spillage from breakfast and was the top they had come home in so I was trying to make sure it went back…. I think my biggest frustration in it is the suggestion...
  4. J

    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    Sorry this is long…. My ex and I share a toddler. We’re high/very limited contact conflict and I’ve just had to file in court to try to get our informal agreement made legally binding…. They weren’t happy I filed. Today I get the usual handover email and a bit at the bottom to say ‘I’ll be...