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    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @johnsubira This is discussed every year on this forum and you can find lots of opinions on other posts. Lots of variety in expectations depending on region of the US. We give hand written notes with $50 gift cards to two primary teachers & $25 to every one else (admins, support staff...
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    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    @tonyp This thread was delightful discussion and I will steal your tips, thank you. I also chuckled about about the hand in the dirty dishwasher pool, one of those maniacs lives with me too 🤮
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    A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

    @vclr2010 Can’t up vote this enough. Why do we need a ranking system? We got them here! Let’s be proud of that!
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    Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

    @iwantchristmore28 Solidarity!! I love all the comments you’ve gotten and highly recommend professional feedback. You & your doctor know you & your baseline best. To me, it reads like sleep deprivation and that the “insomnia” triggers anxiety (which may or may not benefit from medication)...
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    My husband called me a f*cking b*tch in front of our 2 year old and won’t apologize

    @doots Ugh I’m sorry. This exchange sucks. If you want advice, mine (based on experience with a traumatized (and constantly recovering in various forms) alcoholic who tests the limits of cruel outlashes at his worst and benefits from medication & regular therapy) is full ice 🧊 If text messages &...
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    A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

    @keepingsteady Yeah dude, they suck!! I pushed way too long with my first and bought myself a new asshole when I finished having kids. Don’t worry, any damage you do is repairable even if it sucks! I have the asshole of my twenties again 😂
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    Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

    @keepthefaith2014 This! We fed for wake ups as long as we needed to AND sleep trained. I never fully night weaned, he just stopped latching at that late night / early morning feed one day (around 10 months iirc).