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  1. M

    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @hew0007 My degree is in secondary education. I hadn't had a classroom of my own yet when I got pregnant. I had just gotten married. So I started looking into child care in my area versus starter teacher pay. I would have had an extra $500 a year if I went to work. That didn't seem worth it I...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie We bought House B. I mean not exactly but we bought the bigger house, good enough yard, safe neighborhood. Great school district, short drive to anywhere we want to go. I love everything about living here except for the house itself. I am so overwhelmed. It's so big. There's so much...
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    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @disguisedlamb Ffs people, screen time isn't the end of the world. Your wife needs to stop acting like you were letting him play with knives.
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    Does your working partner help overnight?

    @daisy83 Absolutely. I demanded it What we ended up doing was this: he had to be up at 5:30a so he was "on duty" until 11:30. After that I was on duty. So when one of the babies woke up we would both get up. In-duty parent would go to the bathroom, grab a water, grab a binkie, grab a burp...
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    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    @roxchristian I've been through this with practitioners. It's frustrating but there isn't much you can do. Just do what is best for your family. On the subject of speech delay. BOTH my kids had speech delays. Neither were in a daycare. Honestly, both for speech and behavior, in retrospect...
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    I’m over my hypochondriac A/C hating husband

    @pleed Tell him that for SIDS prevention the ideal indoor temperature is 62-75 with optimal range being closer to 70. They can't relate their body temps efficiently until about 24 months. Also, SIDS prevention... A/C actually keeps the air moving and circulating which prevents carbon dioxide...