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  1. M

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    @mumof8 Nope, baby was just ready to sleep through. I don’t think you can force a baby to sleep through. They’re either ready or they are not.
  2. M

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    @mumof8 Mine was like yours at that age. He started sleeping through at 20months.
  3. M

    Toddler loves pushing my newly walking baby and I feel lost

    @sunsetrose Agreed. Small story time. Pushing can be extremely nasty. My eldest pushed my youngest earlier this year and he fell off the couch and hit his head on a cupboard at grandmas house. (I wasn’t there. They were supervised though, grandma literally went to get a drink from the kitchen...
  4. M

    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 You don’t have to sleep train. I didn’t sleep train any of my babies. I know many moms who have sleep trained and they all have to keep “retraining” during teething, illness etc. it doesn’t work. A baby won’t sleep through until they are ready. That said I bedshared with both kids...