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    HoW WiLl I hIdE tHaT i'M nOt DrInKiNg

    @ayrus87 HA! same gal. I have a wedding this weekend and am the MOH. I was so nervous I was pregnant and would 'ruin' the brides day by everyone knowing I was pregnant because I wasn't drinking. Luckily, AF to the rescue!!! (sarcasm)
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    Seattle moms and traveling moms please help

    @stuart1717 What kinda shoes do you wear?
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    Seattle moms and traveling moms please help

    @stuart1717 Yeah I was thinking that. I’m okay with it and washing them if they are Ick. The only boots I have are all pretty slick
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    Seattle moms and traveling moms please help

    Hi! I live in AZ and travel for work to Seattle. Read: I have no warm or rain clothes- ESP of the business casual variety. I’m planning to bring a Patagonia nano puff and a lululemon always effortless jacket. Both are quite thin, but the lulu I believe is waterproof and has a hood. Under that...
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    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @tiger2727 We do chipotle for his (5) teachers twice a year- around thanksgiving and teachers appreciate week, and then cash for Christmas.
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    Hopefully some inspiration (TW: results not typical)

    @docrocks21 Clamshells are pretty much the only booty exercise I Enjoy now. Even deadlifts with super light weight feel weird
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    Hopefully some inspiration (TW: results not typical)

    @blacksabbath I just saw one- hopefully OP comments the more the better. Mine said belly button to spine- I’ve been doing this pretty often and actually can randomly see my abs again at week 27, and some soreness. I was very loose with my core because I didn’t know how to properly exercise it...
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @almostfast Well same but what about husband
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @almostfast Yes but you are still using PTO to hang out with them no?
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    Exclusively breastfeeding vs Pumping?

    @shadowsinthesunlite Same. I pumped for 16 months and it sucked. I missed out on so many events, bathtime, bedtime, bonding. If I could’ve latched my experience with a baby would’ve been radically different
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    What do your weekday mornings look like?

    @nhope Personally I’d try to do one of the pumps on your drive in or out or both.
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @crustyfrog Omg, that is awful
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @dezi I think 2 separate schools seems even more exhausting
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    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @tshane Same. Tbh ours was like this fully until 8 months, but really like until 14 months.
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    Y'all these BST groups are wild

    @bornagain95 White cat black cat here. Grey everything.
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    What is it like going from 1-2 or 2-3 kids with 2 full time working parents?

    @southlander So what do you do? Just ask for forgiveness and hope they don’t fire you?