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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @prexioc We thought the sleep adjustment would be hard too, especially cause we don’t have enough room to have them sleep in separate spaces. Weirdly enough, he’s normally a light sleeper but has taken baby’s crying in stride. Sometimes he’ll wake up from the crying, ask if baby is ok -...
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @nicogarzanderson We didn’t get a doll specifically but our first will take care of his teddies like a baby. We swaddle them, change their diapers, sing lullabies, feed them, etc. Honestly wasn’t my idea, my toddler is really the driver there, which is really sweet and fun haha.
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @glowfood Our kids have a 2 year gap. He was talking about his brother for atleast 2 months before he arrived, and is absolutely smitten and so so sweet with him. (Not scientifically driven just anecdotal) here’s what we did: - we told him right away about the baby. He found out the same day...
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @raven00 What sleep practices did you put in place with the following children?
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @vincejohnson Mom twins :)
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @iaian I’ve read a lot about sleep and have never felt super into any of the recommendations I read. Mostly because I have a strong preference for attachment based parenting, so I ultimately respond to what I instinctively feel my baby needs. Sometimes naps happen with a feed, sometimes they...