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  1. L

    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    @sandiego1970 I would definitely have them do a blood test. You could be in the midst of having a miscarriage even with the brown watery CM. I would scream and then cry while taking a bath. You have every right to ask about your overall health and just talk to your doctor about the confusing...
  2. L

    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @naomi_sarai For some people I've talked to in the US, it seems that because it is often called daycare centers they think kids are just running wild. Typically when parents pick up and drop off kids, they are doing free play and just running around. There are centers that definitely do more...
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @bytehoven I think society teaches us all that teachers are glorified babysitters which is why they complain about teachers so freaking much. The majority of the public does not know what all goes into teaching kids day in and day out.
  4. L

    Will a terrible sleeper ever get better

    TL;DR: 2 year old won't sleep, CIO doesn't work. My son is just a little over 2 (turned at the end of July) and has never been the best sleeper. Up until 6 months old, he slept from 8:30-12:30 (with random 10:30 wakings) would eat/nurse, go back to sleep in bassinet, wake up between 2-4 nurse...