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  1. P

    Secret day off...Update!

    @maves Yes called self love. We can't run on empty. I am glad you enjoyed the day! However I would like to add to moms who can't afford to spend $100+ on their days off, please please don't feel bad for doing things that are free or on a budget! Such as a stroll in the park, picking up some...
  2. P

    Weekend fun w/toddlers

    @kybekynekane My little ones do not have a preference but they seem to just really like being with me. I'm going to miss that when they grow older. So hopefully I can think of fun things for them on the weekend. But I try to go for the free stuff. It gets expensive.
  3. P

    Postpartum with number two has hit different

    @brojoe67 Wow you've said all what I've been feeling. I have two young ones and the youngest around the age of your youngest. With the first one I was longing for my old life back and hit a rock bottom. My parents, not understanding postpartum depression, was not helpful and were actually...
  4. P

    Postpartum with number two has hit different

    @comyn I think US fosters this ideology that we have to be independent. However if we look from pastimes, children are raised by many people. We need a lot of help. I just don't understand why US is not so accommodating to moms and their children. After all, the children will eventually grow up...