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    Meal Timings

    @karimlahdid We’ve been super strict at adhering to a schedule my toddler’s whole life. She’s a fairly good eater…BUT I think this is likely anecdotal and you’ll find a range of pickiness within all non-vs-schedulers. Might be worth trying?
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    Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

    @jonahua In an office setting, no less! Preach!
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @servewithlove I think part of the difficulty is that no one who went for two, is going to tell you they REGRET their CHILD (or, not let themselves experience that feeling to begin with). So it’s kind of a foregone conclusion that you want and love having two, once the second is conceived.
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @crazylikeafox I like this idea- if OP removes the one night/week from her bed, then LO can’t ask for it every night.
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    Questions for daycare mamas

    @esta Agree, the first year of daycare I believe there were a grand total of 3 (separate, not continuous) months where one of us three were not ill. We caught almost everything LO had, and the kicker was that it would hit her hard but pass quickly in a few days- while husband and I were left...