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  1. C

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero I think as long as he’s used to grandma and you FaceTime often it should be ok. Not the same but I went on a week long work trip and my son is very attached to me, pushes dad away etc and I was worried. But he was content with me FaceTiming him and me saying mommy will be back in X...
  2. C

    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @semiday He transitioned well! Like more than a month with no issues whatsoever. It’s just now he is waking earlier. I don’t know if we can switch back as I’m giving birth within the next week and won’t be able to carry him in (C-section) and we’d need the crib for the new baby soon.
  3. C

    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @lostconfused Thanks for your response! I guess I assumed he had already fully transitioned to a toddler bed since we didn’t have any issues till now but I realize it’s only been about a month. Thanks! I’ll have to keep putting him back in bed till he realizes it’s too early
  4. C

    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @lostconfused Normally he’d wake around 7am. He goes to daycare and nap time is 12-2:30. He would usually sleep from 12-2 or if he woke early and really tired he’ll go to sleep earlier around 11:30-11:45 but generally always naps at least 1.5 hrs min but usually 2 hours. Bedtime is between...
  5. C

    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @lostconfused Yes I do, usually when he wakes and it’s ok to wake his hatch light will turn on and I put bird noises. He knows this. But lately he’ll still get out when it’s dark and bang on the door crying for us to get him. He’ll even say to me, it’s dark outside, the sun is sleeping. And I...
  6. C

    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    My 2 year old (25 months) transitioned to a toddler bed last month and it went well! He was always a great sleeper and we thought he’d get out of bed but when he wakes he’d just sit in bed and wait for us or go back to sleep. Just this week after a cold (he’s better now) he’s been waking 3-...