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  1. P

    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    @curtis789 we set timers for everything lol. "5 minutes and park time is over! - deal?" then we its kind of become a crutch, but it works great.
  2. P

    wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

    @bigoink high five is the best barrier to this. my wife is HUGE on the 'he doesnt have to hug if he doesnt want to'. which is great, i agree with it. i have a found the 'give X a high five' to be the easiest cop out.
  3. P

    wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

    @candlemakerpls thats a picture in your head. nothing to be done about it either, which is tough.