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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @kickthichphattiren689 I'm already uncomfortable with how much information my credit card issuer has on me by seeing how much I paid on a given date at a given shop. I don't want them to have detailed information of all of my purchases. I know that stores can already easily track purchases made...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad I don't have time to search for the relevant studies, but when I looked quite a few years ago, vegetarians tended to live longer but not vegans because vegans tended to have nutritional deficiencies.
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    Swimming lessons at 6 months? Chlorinated pool?

    @betterdays Lol... Walked into that one
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    Swimming lessons at 6 months? Chlorinated pool?

    @chrisfromcuba Sorry, pH stands for potential of Hydrogen so wether a liquid is acid (less than 7) or a base (more than 7). Normally a pool should be between 7.2 and 7.8 (slightly alkaline) Not sure what you mean by too much P and not enough H
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    Swimming lessons at 6 months? Chlorinated pool?

    @linda73 Our son has "reactive airways" and is currently treated with corticosteroids to control this. Our doctor told us to stop swimming for the time being due to the increased risk of bronchiolitis.
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    Multilingual environment, 2 years and 8 months old child having a language explosion (grammatically) in a single language

    @aldredian Yes, it's a very sad state of affair. It happens everywhere I'm afraid. I'm French but my great grand parents spoke Picard (chti'mi), my grand parents spoke Picard with each other but French with my mother and when in public. My mother sort of understands Picard but doesn't speak it...
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    Multilingual environment, 2 years and 8 months old child having a language explosion (grammatically) in a single language

    @aldredian Yup, we're in Hong Kong. Once our son goes to kindergarten, he'll be doing 50% English and 50% Mandarin (we hesitated between local schools and international school primarily because we would have wanted more exposure to Cantonese but, in the end, we decided on a montessori school)...
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    Multilingual environment, 2 years and 8 months old child having a language explosion (grammatically) in a single language

    @glencoco Oh do you have a link to those studies? It does make sense intuitively since pronunciation and hearing are two things that degrade quickly past early childhood. Anecdotally though, I lived in UK when I was 10 in an English family for 6 months and when I came back to France, I had a...
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    Multilingual environment, 2 years and 8 months old child having a language explosion (grammatically) in a single language

    @glencoco Thanks! We are planning to see if we can put him for a few weeks in a maternelle in France when we go to visit my mother. It should be fun and a good way for him to talk to other kids in French. That'll be in a year or so.
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    Multilingual environment, 2 years and 8 months old child having a language explosion (grammatically) in a single language

    @relle25 That's definitely been my worry. I strongly believe that it's important for both parents to learn the other's language. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, it's difficult for us to really learn each-other's language but I figure that doing it this way is also a good way to learn...
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    Multilingual environment, 2 years and 8 months old child having a language explosion (grammatically) in a single language

    We're a trilingual family. I (the father) speak French, nanny (live-in) speak English, mother speaks Cantonese. Our son goes to pre-nursery 2 hours a day with currently 20% of the time in Mandarin, 40% of the time in English, 40% in Cantonese. I spend 2 hours a day dedicated time playing in...