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    New dad here, please help. Seeking advice from those with experience in this situation. TIA

    @dreamer30 Slightly personal I guess but is your wife pooing OK? That could be causing nausea & is very common after c section, with dehydration, pain meds, lack of movement etc. Something like macrogol is taken with water which helps on two counts!
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @zjmcdon98 I really want my son to use one because of the sids risk but he won't take it! There aren't really strong opinions either way in the UK but I read about it on reddit so wanted him to take one.
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    "So WhEn ArE yOu MoViNg HeR tO cErEaL?"

    @annlei I was given it age 2 weeks old... There's a no nutritional value to it either!
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @sharbysyd I thought it was formula feeding lol wondered if formula was said to be better for nausea. Oops!