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  1. D

    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @stassit I started flash card around... 15 months? Maybe earlier? Whenever she started showing interest in identifying animals, as those are what I started with. But basically, before she could even tell me what was on them, I would use them like a book: "This is a cow. Cow's say "moooooo"...
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    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @stassit I did zero TV until age two, and for all of age 3 I limit it to 15 min/max. Here is my current schedule as a SAHD with my now 3 YO, but it was similar to this starting around 15 months old. Especially the dinner-bedtime part- that has not changed since she was about 13 months old...
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @hemispheres Nice comparison. I feel you.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @benaiah2015 Oof
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @doubtfulguy Right- you would have seen the rating and googled the movie to see why it got that rating- and like 10-20 seconds on google would've been enough to get the gist of the movie "Barbie has existential crisis, leaves toyland, and ken drinks a lot of beer".
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @hemispheres I feel like the marketing was very clear about what type of movie this was- and any cursory 10 second google before you purchased tickets would have told you what to expect. It was also PG13.