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  1. K

    I missed another first and I’m really sad about it

    @dezzy I think another way to look at it is that now that he knows seeing real ones up close like that is a thing he can go do, he can do it with mommy next time and it’ll be even more fun & special! :) You guys could even make it ‘Your thing.’ Look up all the closest fire stations to your...
  2. K

    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @butbeyedoersoftheword This is a great response!
  3. K

    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @onna Same lol. I’d skip the hangout before the concert and simply tell them you wanna maximize time with your little one before leaving. No explanation needed.