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  1. L

    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @lovethemitten Yup I refused to be the parent with a kid on a leash, "what a ridiculous concept " pre baby me thought... nose I have 2 on the spectrum and think it's one of the best inventions ever- literally a life saving device! Oh how having kids changes our tune!
  2. L

    F**k em all the way up

    @cruse This is exactly the laugh that I needed today! Also, that is now my new favorite phrase it's golden 😁 I often say I'm going to f*** you up kitties (dual spray bottles in hand) because they usually like to get loud and rowdy as soon as the kids go to sleep 🤦🏻‍♀️ On the other note, the day...