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    Is it just hormones??

    @katrina2017 I keep telling myself "it'll be fine" as though I can will it to be so.
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    Is it just hormones??

    @katrina2017 I feel this. I am still nursing, but I think I went from "baby fever" to okay, what would this look like, do we have the money, where would they sleep...
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    Is it just hormones??

    @houstonreborn Yeah, the ticking clock feels very tricky here.
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    Is it just hormones??

    @mvb552 omg this is a beautiful answer / framing, thank you
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    Is it just hormones??

    Late bloomer (F, 40) with a younger spouse (M, 35). Got pregnant at 38. LO is 10 months old now. I never thought I wanted even one, but after a lot of therapy, I learned that I actually just feared replicating my not-so-safe childhood. (Being an only child made that worse FWIW.) I wanted a...