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  1. M

    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @mercmorris28 This is an amazing boost of happiness! I'm now remembering my great grandma had 6 kids. Last one being my grandfather at age 40. And she lived for a lonnng time. She passed when I was in preschool. I've always been greatful I got to know most of my great grandparents.
  2. M

    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @sam4242 You're doing everything you can! Don't be hard on yourself. If you get the chance to do skin to skin or even nurse that will help! I couldn't get much from pumping and I had a pretty "uneventful" birth experience. In the event baby still can't be held (I don't know if this is actual...