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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 I wouldn't be upset. I'd ignore. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it and "set a boundary" by reiterating my rights as mom.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 A. It's up to your ex to declare what she can and can't do as far as discipline. Maybe they talked as a couple and she's just supporting his decisions. I personally didn't like my kids sleeping in my room either, they have their own. B. Yes I prefer to speak to my ex directly...
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    Suggestions on 50/50 schedules. Dad purposely got fired to start a food business

    @stevish74 I think his schedule makes the most sense. Every other day is a ridiculous schedule. With dad's schedule you could reduce childcare costs. After custody and placement are decided, then you can determine child support. You can request that some of his past income be used to...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 Honestly, it's been years. They would have to make it through 3 other people before they got to gf on the call list. To me its not worth the battle. And not allowing partners on the pickup list after 3 years is controlling.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 Because each parent deserves a back up person that isn't their ex.
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    AM I THE A.H

    @lee It took years, therapy, and way too much in lawyers fees.
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    Co parenting / introducing to partner

    @vidacek1234 Hindsight is 20/20.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 I would ignore the question about how much she's with grandma. Seriously, not even a word to acknowledge the question. I'd throw away the emergency number sheet. I would add gf to the approved pick up list if she isn't on it. I'd make sure to have gf phone number listed as well...
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    AM I THE A.H

    @jwtinker I don't expect favors. I don't keep score. I agree to swaps when it's child centered and works for me. The reason why he says yes or no if I asked is not for me to debate or rationalize.
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    Co parenting / introducing to partner

    @vidacek1234 6 months of dating. I spent most of the days with my kids with only my kids. I'd let my other parent know I was going to introduce the dating person and tell them their name before I introduced them. Yes you were likely wrong. Hopefully for you this doesn't backfire. Do you plan...
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    Co parenting / introducing to partner

    @akashraletta Having difficult conversations isnt easy but they are necessary to show respectful coparenting. Sadly, men too often latch on to new partners and introduce kids early as sort of a "test." While "stepparents" should be loving and helpful, they should not be brought in and expected...
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @birdie1214 You shouldn't be fighting about anything as the court order should be detailed and clear. You don't have to enter into every fight you are invited to.
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    Should my baby stay over night at her other set of grandparents? Or am I over reacting?

    @josiah714 You can tell your partner that you feel one place is best. However, I don't think its right to totally dismiss his feelings either. Both of you are parents.
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    Other parent using my time as their wiggle room? A littles stressed...

    @dujdhlfe Ex tried to get full custody. Court took away placement days. It was 8 years of hell for us but his attempt in court brought many things to light.
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    Other parent using my time as their wiggle room? A littles stressed...

    @dujdhlfe My lawyer and our GAL said stick to email as it's more clear when printed out for court. Do share the calendar with her. Shows you tried in more than 1 way. We had 50/50. It got complicated when stepmom refused to transport the kids certain places. My ex loves his kids but it took...
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    Other parent using my time as their wiggle room? A littles stressed...

    @dujdhlfe Dad needs to send a very detailed calendar to mom via email stating where the kids need to be and when. Give her advanced notice. Share a Google calendar as well. State if she is unable to get the kids to where they need to be, her extra time will be forfeited (Im assuming there is no...
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    Do you correct your ex when they lie? Whether it’s to your child’s providers or to someone else when you’re present?

    @lazarus58 No I don't. I have long since realized professionals aren't stupid and tend to smell bull pretty quickly.
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    Is my ex being reasonable with her demands of meeting anyone I’d have around our kids before they’d meet them?

    @athena1312138 When did you split? What does your court order say about specifics?
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    He told her to shut the f* up

    @lalei I'd approach this by just telling my kid that what dad said wasn't right and that I understood her feelings were hurt. I don't see a conversation with dad about this being productive for your daughter.