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  1. J

    Small hard lump (possible small hematoma) after self administered Depo SubQ?

    @confusedsoul369 I think that the lump comes from how you have to slowly administer it, the acetate suspension disperses under your skin over the course of a few days. I wouldn’t be alarmed if you got a teeeeny bruise at the injection site that should clear up relatively soon as well, I hope...
  2. J

    Small hard lump (possible small hematoma) after self administered Depo SubQ?

    @confusedsoul369 Hey! I used to get Depo SubQ, wish I still could, but my bones are all fucked up now sadly. If it’s any comfort, I always had a hard lump under my skin where my injection went in (I had it administered in a clinic setting though cause the idea of having to do it myself was...