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  1. M

    Older twin parents - sleeping?

    @moore2014 If you really need them in the same room long term, I recommend trying to struggle through it now. Maybe try to set up a noticable bedtime routine for them if they don't have one yet (brush teeth, PJs, drink of water, tucked into bed with the lights off kind of thing). Then let them...
  2. M

    Just found out I’m having twins. I have a 1 and a 3 year old already and the panic is setting in

    @lalue We are actually in a similar situation with our children (ages and total number). Our pregnancy was planned, but we didn't expect twins. It's totally crazy, but we love all of our kids! We talked up the twins to the older kids the entire pregnancy to make them excited about the babies...
  3. M

    My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

    @daleksteve It might be best not to do it delicately. Just explain your predicament and ask if something similar as ever happened to them. And maybe offer that you don't need numbers from from, but it might help give you all an idea of what's going on if the other dad is willing to share the...