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  1. G

    2 month old won’t nap during day

    @themadbaron At 2 months we also went through a phase of no daytime sleep - 45 min naps are much better then we were getting then. But they will start to lengthen again before long. If baby isn't upset & is getting good sleep at night, then you don't need to worry about how much sleep they...
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    2 month old won’t nap during day

    @empt2 We didn't have any change for the 4 month one, and we're all good until 8 months where we're back to 4 wake ups a night
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    Cake for 1st birthday?

    @stay_tattd4_lyfe We had cake for my 27 weeker's actual birthday but we don't have any digestive issues. If you're worried you can just give them a small amount if you want a real cake. Personally I think there are a lot of rules around introducing food that aren't proven and are just the latest...
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    I am going home after my C-section and am an emotional wreck having to leave them

    @ryantheirish That's really tough and people have given you some good advice. My advice if you have to keep making that long journey is to get a battery powered pump and use the drive to do a power pump - you can Google what the exclusive pumping groups suggest, but I typically did 20mins...
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    Day 142 in the NICU

    @proudmom1126 Woohoo. I bet you're exhausted but so proud of the the of them!
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    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @uertkasalvation In the UK you get a booster in pregnancy but no one else is offered it
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    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @elam84 I'm in the UK and did a bit of googling when I had my baby as I saw lots online about people not allowing visitors unless they were vaccinated or not going out with baby until they were vaccinated. The conclusion I came to was that we had generally higher vaccination rates in the UK so...
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    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @steelcityd This is what I thought when I did some googling when I had my baby in the UK. There's more risk in the US because of more areas with low enough vaccination rates to allow outbreaks to spread
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @kingskid001 Thanks. We had a couple of weeks warning she was going to come that early & time to do a bit of googling, so we had some warning about what our journey would be like. That made things easier to deal with I think.
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @kingskid001 Mine was born very early and before her due date had two lots of precautionary antibiotics when she was showing signs of infections (but none showed up on the blood tests and cultures later). We've had two more lots of antibiotics for chest infections and two operations that she had...