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  1. S

    Seeking advice from people who “moved home” to be close to family

    @gypsysoule This is such a personal decision, and so hard! My partner and I ‘moved away’ from our hometown although would still visit regularly as it was only a few hours away. Our game plan had always been to move back to our hometown as both our families (extended family included) live in the...
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    Easter Basket Ideas

    @kee04 In the past, my parents have gotten my daughter (now 3) a Jan & Jul sunhat for Easter, and she's also gotten gardening items. This year I'm getting her a slingshot with felted wool balls for practice (I may be kicking myself about this later!) wrapped in a Sarah's Silks blue scarf (she...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @laurie4321 Oh yes sorry! There are lots of variations of risky play - going fast, going up high, balancing, hiding - different forms of kids testing their bodies’ limits. It’s often done independently or with other kids - could be on playground equipment, riding a bike down a hill…things that...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @lizlugo51 I probably used incorrect wording - I understand it’s not cry it out, and I also know our kid in particular still requires support for regulating those feelings and that cannot effectively happen if left alone. I have a doubly neurotypical partner as well so we are extra sensitive to...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @laurie4321 Did I write this post? But seriously, our little 3 year old is verrrrry similar in terms of sleep and strong opinions, which I both love (love a girl with strong opinions!) and find a lot to navigate. And we also have a 5 month old, so my partner and I don’t really have time for...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 We have our little in swim lessons (she just turned 2). That's it. There has been research on the overscheduling of kids, who desperately need free play time (ideally outdoors). Unless my kid really expresses an interest, I'll keep with swimming for safety (and even then, we...