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  1. B

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    @charmaine93 OP, I actually have very similar issues when I'm not on any birth control. It's horrible because, in my experience, in the moment you know you're being rude and ridiculous, but you can't stop yourself. Just this past weekend I blew up at my fiance, and the whole time I was mad, all...
  2. B

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    @psquared Yes! If you don't want sex, then a relationship dependant on sex will definitely suffer. I had a similar experience with my partner when I stopped taking Vienva, and my hormones were a bit wacky for a bit. OP, if this relationship is something you think you might want to keep, maybe...
  3. B

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    @charmaine93 It can't change your attraction, but it can change your libido. So you may have a lowered libido and don't have a desire to have sex anymore. Or you could also have lost attraction. You may want to take time to think about this before doing anything rash and figure out which...