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  1. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    @whartonry That one I'm less upset about since the subject of the photo is more the mother and it's her right to post it there. Like it's still not great when there's a child in it but a lot of times you can't see the kid's face.
  2. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    @kanga123 May not have been active today. Modding is hard. I accidentally became head mod of a fairly active sub and it's a pain and I keep telling myself I'll find someone else to but never get around to it.
  3. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    @haroldgreen I understand it. We all want to share in our joys. We all want to brag a little if we think the child did something good b/c it reflects well on us. My wife and I make an exception for social media uploads about 3x a year b/c we want friends and family to be able to see but I'm...
  4. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    @jesusorhell It's much safer on a private sub. There are several private trans subs for posting pics that hopefully won't be found. Facebook is similar b/c you control who sees it (friends) unless it's a group. Then a private group is like a private sub and a public group is like a public...
  5. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    @tanithdaunicorn Photo rights are worse on facebook. Facebook owns any picture that is uploaded to it and is legally allowed to do with it as they choose. We put a no exceptions rule on all family of no photos of our daughter on facebook or anywhere else online for her protection and privacy...
  6. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    @invisisole My wife and I try to heavily restrict how many photos of our daughter are on facebook and WILL NOT post them anywhere else (except to private message them to friends which is also a risk but less of one than to just throw them into the void). For us it isn't even about if the photos...
  7. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    Today I woke up to this: A post by a user with no other activity in their history advertising the best mommit pictures on some photo sharing site. It's very likely a crawler bot. For those who don't know, a crawler bot "crawls" on an internet forum, automatically downloads pictures there, and...