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  1. S

    Confused about sleep and formula

    @seekerofthelivingword Yeah umm. Just FYI for the OP — that definitely isn’t a safe way to co-sleep. Props and pillows aren’t safe for babies.
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    Confused about sleep and formula

    @sunrise1471 Might be the volume thing. Also anecdotal but my LO definitely slept longer stretches when dad would feed him a bottle (of breastmilk) which would guarantee a 4-5oz feed right before bed, as opposed to me nursing him, which could be any number of oz. (I know I pumped 3-5oz in a...
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    Explaining financial limitations to a 3-4 year old?

    @terressagirl This is what we do too :)
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    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 I have 2 under 2 and we keep it tidy by having minimum stuff, frankly. And baskets in every room for whatever clutter piles up. That’s it really. We also aren’t opposed to using paper plates for a couple days when we are getting overwhelmed with dishes and need to catch up. It really isn’t...
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    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    @krae991 Same lol. I would’ve simply passed out on the floor. I saw someone comment on a thread saying they just “made themselves stay awake.” Oh okay. Great. Very helpful.
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    PUMP Act blocked

    @kms00 There’s a buy strike planned for July 3-5th. r/StrikeforRoe
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    Keeping house tidy

    @lockermcdonald If you wanna be on ADHD meds while EBF you likely can be. Look for a reproductive psychiatrist. I’ve been BFing for 2 years now (I have 2 under 2 and I nurse both of them, I never weaned my firstborn) and my reproductive psychiatrist and my kids’ pediatrician are ok with me being...
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    Why I'm quitting

    @lynetteida They make the couple split?! Jesus.