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  1. M

    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    @abfarn Just so I understand correctly, if he wakes up at 7am, his bedtime should be 10pm? This is roughly what we do.
  2. M

    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    @lostandinsecure We tried that too, but the problem with our baby is that he fights every single nap, no matter what we do. You can read about this in the post I linked, if you're interested. We tried many, many things that are listed there. I'm probably missing something I your comments since...
  3. M

    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    @lostandinsecure We try to follow a mix of his sleepy cues and the Sweet Spot in Hackleberry. 1-1.5h at the moment before he gets cranky.
  4. M

    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    Baby is currently 9 weeks old. He's never slept well since he was born (you may have seen my post on him fighting sleep here). We were always told that the better he naps during the day, the better his nighttime sleep would be, so we made sure to make him have his naps during the day, which...