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  1. W

    Factors that helped you decide?

    36 y.o. married female with an 18 month old son. Husband is 42. Son was an IVF baby. We have 1 embryo in storage. I would like to use it. Husband is pretty much OAD. What factors came into play when making your decision to only have 1 child? Or is there anyone in this group that actually ended...
  2. W

    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @benjammin13 Yes I know what you mean, I guess I meant ... We have it there, we may as well transfer to see what happens instead of disposing or donating etc.
  3. W

    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @scientartist Oh thank you, I didn't know that sub existed
  4. W

    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    36 y.o. married female with an 18 month old son. Husband is 42. Son was an IVF baby. We have 1 embryo in storage. I would like to use it. Husband is pretty much OAD. What factors came into play when making your decision to only have 1 child? Or is there anyone in this group that actually ended...